Publicatie Vlaanderen.
In July 2017, A. Decoster and W. Sas - KU Leuven - published a study on interregional financial flows in Belgium resulting from the federal budget. The study was based on a monitoring model they developed called “Moniflow,” which allows for annual updates. The Flemish Government has already provided two updates to the model. In this report, Willem Sas and Tom Truyts intentionally focus on the years 2000 to 2023 because they primarily relied on available administrative data to map the impact of the pandemic in detail for the first time. In this report, they also provide forecasts up to 2028. Additionally, they discuss why interest payments on the federal debt should not be included in an annual transfer calculation. The calculations were performed in two ways. First, they used population weighting, where financial flows were calculated based on regional population proportions. Second, they employed income weighting, which considers federal revenues and expenditures based on the contribution each region makes to federal income.
Keywords : scientific publication, statistics,